Written by Admin and published on https://www.fortheloveoftrees.com/.

Tree pollen is actually tiny grains of pollen that are released into the air by trees during their reproductive cycle. Pollen is necessary for fertilization, but unfortunately, it can also be a major allergen for many people. When tree pollen is released into the air, it can be inhaled or come into contact with the skin, causing an allergic reaction. Symptoms of tree pollen allergy include sneezing, runny nose, congestion, watery eyes, and itching. In severe cases, tree pollen allergy can also cause difficulty breathing and even anaphylaxis.

Fortunately, there are some things you can do to minimize your exposure to tree pollen and ease your symptoms. Stay indoors as much as possible on days when the pollen count is high. If you have to go outside, wear a dust mask or scarf over your nose and mouth. And be sure to shower and change your clothes as soon as you come inside to wash away any pollen that may have settled on your skin or hair. With a little extra care, you can make it through springtime without letting allergies ruin your enjoyment of the season.

Can Tree Pollen Impact the Decision to Remove a Tree?

Tree pollen can significantly influence decisions about keeping or removing a tree, especially for those with allergies or respiratory issues. In such cases, individuals often seek tree removal help to improve their outdoor environment and reduce health risks, ensuring a better quality of life for themselves and their families.

Tree Pollen

Spring in the Willamette Valley is heralded by the awakening of trees seen as bright green growth, showy flowers, and prodigious amounts of billowing tree pollen. Some days the pollen is so thick that every horizontal outdoor surface in the Portland area is coated with the powdery substance. Although it can be a nuisance to those with seasonal allergies, pollen serves a crucial role in the reproduction of most tree species.

Pollen Function

Most trees reproduce with others members of their own species, which mixes the genes of the parents and creates genetic diversity in their offspring. Because trees are rooted in one spot, they must have a way to transfer genetic material from one tree to another. This transference of genetic material is called pollination. Pollen is the vehicle of transference. Each microscopic pollen grain contains the male genetic material of the tree. A pollen grain has a hard outer shell to protect the precious genetic material inside during transport from one tree to another.

Hinoki cypress male cones

Pollen is produced in the male pollen cones of conifers. The small brown pollen cones of Hinoki cypress can be seen above, left. The fallen spent male pollen cones of the Douglas-fir surround the female Douglas-fir seed cone in the photo at right.

In the flowering trees and shrubs, the male anthers of flowers produce pollen.

Douglas fir female seed cone

In order for reproduction to occur, the pollen must be transferred to a female seed cone of the same species in conifers. The female seed cone of the Douglas-fir can be seen above. The female seed cone of the Mugo pine is growing just to the right of the male pollen cones.

In order for reproduction to occur in flowering trees and shrubs, the pollen must be transferred to the female stigma of a flower of the same species. The stigma of the rhododendron flowers above is the obvious longer curved structures at the center of the flowers. The sticky green stigma of the cherry flower above, right, is encircled by anthers. A more detailed explanation of pollination in flowering trees is described in our Northwest Tribune.

Once the pollen has reached its goal, a pollen tube forms and transports the male genetic material to the female reproductive structure. This is when fertilization occurs and the genes of both parents are blended to make the seeds of the next generation.

Pollen Structure

The powdery pollen mixture collected on your windshield in spring is made of tiny pollen grains so small that magnification is required to see the individual grain. The pollen grains range in size, shape, and color. The shape of pollen varies from smooth and round to spiky to pitted, depending on the species. The various shapes and sizes of pollen can be used to identify species living today and in the distant past. Pollen found in layers of ancient rock formations has been used by paleobotanists to identify which plants grew during ancient times.

Method of Pollen Transfer

Because trees cannot move, they need something to carry their pollen from one plant to another. Most trees employ either the wind or animals. For instance, some trees rely on the wind to scatter their pollen over great distances, while others depend on insects, such as bees, to transfer pollen from flower to flower. This collaboration with nature not only ensures successful reproduction but also strengthens the ecosystem around them. Additionally, certain strategies, like planting companion plants, can help attract pollinators and protect trees from frost damage during critical growing periods.

Most conifer pollen hitches a ride on the wind. This makes sense because most conifers (like spruces and firs) grow in forests where many of their own species grow nearby. A gust of wind can easily carry the lightweight and sometimes buoyant conifer pollen over acres of forest containing trees of the same species. Wind pollination is not specific in its delivery, though, and requires prodigious amounts of pollen to be produced to ensure success. On a breezy spring day, clouds of yellow pollen can be seen rising like smoke above a stand of Douglas-fir. Conifer tree pollen is the earliest pollen of the spring season to be released. The white pollen of the Hinoki cypress seen above looks like smoke as it rises from the pollen cones in a Lake Oswego backyard.

Some flowering trees are wind pollinated, such as oaks, alders, and some maples, but most flowering trees and shrubs lure their pollen couriers with their flowers. The scented oils and the visually alluring colors and markings of the petals signal pollinating insects, birds, and mammals to the promise of food in the form of carbohydrate-rich nectar and protein-rich pollen. The pollinators become coated in sticky pollen grains from the anthers during feeding. When feeding on another flower of the same species, they transfer pollen grains from their body to the sticky stigma of the flower.

Pollen is the ingenious solution to the challenge of reproduction between immobile trees. Transported by the wind and animals, the pollen encases half of the genetics of the next generation of trees.

Original post here https://www.fortheloveoftrees.com/tree-pollen/.

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