Written by Steve Nix and published on https://www.thoughtco.com/
Trees are the most valuable asset that readily increases the value and beauty of your property. Tree owners should follow the best tree care tips to maintain the long-term good health of their trees.
We call trees our friends. But what are friends who don’t know how to take care of each other? Let’s look at it this way; trees provide us with shade, shelter, food. They purify the air and, most importantly, give us oxygen.
Table of Contents
Essential Tree Care Tips – Keep Your Tree Healthy
Ways to Growing a Healthy Tree
Limit Staking Your Tree
Tree staking is never done with the intention of harming a tree. Staking is usually done with love and with a desire to promote root and trunk growth and protect a young tree from harm. What some tree planters do not understand is, rather than helping a tree develop root and trunk growth, improper tree staking replaces a supportive trunk and root system with an artificial support that causes the tree to put its resources into growing taller but not growing wider.
Transplant Your Tree
Tree owners often need to move or transplant trees from a nursery or within the yard. Yard trees may have been planted too thickly or threaten to outgrow available space. Size is a critical factor in transplanting. The larger a tree, the more difficult it is to transplant.
Protect a Tree’s CRZ
Before starting a mulching project, become familiar the critical root zone (CRZ) or tree protection zone. This zone is generally defined as the area under a tree and out to its dripline. Improving conditions in this protection zone will also result in major health benefits to a tree.
Mulch Your Tree
Mulching is the most beneficial thing a home owner can do for the health of a young tree. Mulches are materials placed on the soil surface to improve soil structure, oxygen levels, temperature and moisture availability. Properly applied, mulch can give landscapes a handsome, well-groomed appearance.05of 08
Fertilize Your Tree
Ideally, growing trees should be fertilized throughout the year. The greatest amounts should be applied during the early spring and summer months. Several light applications a year are preferred as the tree gets older.06of 08
Prune Your Tree
Pruning is essential in developing a tree with a strong structure and desirable form. Here are several methods showing you how to prune your trees.07of 08
Prevent Ice and Snow Damage to Trees
Brittle tree species normally take the brunt of heavy icing after a winter storm. Many of the elms, most true poplars, silver maples, birches, willows and hack-berries are tree species that simply can’t handle the weight of the ice slurry coating limbs. Learn how to select and manage trees to withstand ice and snow.08of 08
Winterize Your Tree
Trees in fall are beginning their dormant phase. Trees may seem to be inactive but the fact is they need to be winterized – protected and cared for to remain healthy, free from diseases and insects. Taking care of trees in summer plays a crucial role in ensuring their health as they transition into the colder months. Proper pruning, mulching, and watering during the warmer seasons can help trees build resilience against the harsh winter conditions. By addressing their needs year-round, trees are better equipped to thrive and maintain their structural integrity.
Original post here https://www.thoughtco.com/essential-tree-care-tips-1342701.